Monday, May 5, 2008


Today is Monday, May 5, 2008. The sun is shining and our yard is filled with flowers in full bloom. Everything looks so pretty this morning.
And today is Patt's birthday. I don't know how come I always remember her birthday but I do. May 5. She is one of my friends from Independence, Missouri. Happy Birthday, Patt, wherever you are today.
Today I looked in our "pilot room." Every house should have a pilot room. You know, "pile it here, pile it there." Right now our house seems to have more than one. The most important one is the "middle bedroom."
I keep piling stuff on the bed. One of these days I will get everything put away but for now it is the collect all. We subscribe to several magazines and they have such wonderful pictures and articles that I cannot throw them away. I do have a special shelf in the bookcase in the "music room" where I keep them but that shelf is full right now.
We also have a lot of "important papers." We both have been going through our filing cabinets, cleaning out and sorting, to make room for the newer "important papers." I remember my mother sorting her "papers" and I used to think, "Mother, just throw them away. When will you ever use that article or that information again, " and here I am doing the same thing.
I did start an envelope system. I went to the office supply store and bought a box of manilla envelopes - 15 X 18 - large enough to hold certificates, programs, letters, etc. and tagged them by years. You know - 2000 to 2005. That has helped some. Of course, those envelopes don't fit into the filing cabinets - too big. And I have created a spot to store them.
I thought I was getting a little better at tossing out stuff. A friend told me her mother had a motto - "Every day throw something away." Recycling helps. It gives me a feeling of helping save the planet. And I have stopped buying Family Circle and Woman's Day every month. I have a hard time throwing them away - such lovely pictures and good articles and yummy sounding recipes. Now I only buy one if I am truly interested in the articles.
Oh, well, I will just keep trying. We are not yet to the point where we only have a small pathway through the house. I've seen that happen and heard about it in the newspapers. I will nust keep trying to de-clutter my house and de-clutter my brain. "Never give up." That will be my motto.

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