Monday, May 26, 2008

Just Thinking

Today is Monday, May 26, 2008. The sky is not so blue today as usual but it is sunnier than the last few days have been. The sky has been gray. I am happy to see the sun a little today.
How do I feel today? Well, not so hot. I had knee surgery on May 13 and was hoping to be back to normal activities by now. I guess my expectations were unrealistic. Everything went well and before I left the hospital I was doing quite well. My knee was bending. I could walk smoothly with the help of a walker. And I was happy to come home.
And then my leg began to swell - and swell - and swell. All the instructions say to raise your foot above your heart and "drain that swelling right out." Well, I have done that about 15 minutes at a time for many times a day. Also the leg needs to be iced about every hour for 15 minutes or so. With the help of my wonderful husband, I've been doing that, too. The swelling goes down for awhile and then right back up. That's my greatest discomfort.
Thank goodness for pain pills. At least that gives me some relief. And I am grateful to have a home nurse who comes and a physical therapist. They give me encouragement and tell me to be patient. I'm trying. I always think of myself as a patient person. I was patient with my children as they were growing up. I am patient with my grandchildren. I am patient with people in stores. I am patient with traffic situations. I decided I am not patient with myself.
I do have a lot of gratitude. That is a good thing to have. I'm grateful for the Dr. who has such skill to replace a knee. I am grateful for the nurses who cared for me in the hospital. I am grateful for a husband who helps me elevate my leg and put ice packs on and prepare meals. I'm glad he does the dishes and washes the clothes. I am grateful for daughters who have been fixing meals sometimes to help their dad out. I am grateful for a wonderful home. And let me tell you, I am grateful for comfortable, soft chairs. We have a recliner that has become my "base" day and night. And after sitting awhile I am grateful that my hips don't ache, ache, ache.
OK - tomorrow is the third week after the surgery. I have heard of people who are nearly immobile for 5 to 6 weeks. And I am walking without pain. It is just the awful swelling that causes me problems.
Last Sunday I felt like someone was inside my leg just pumping it up to burst. Now, I've never heard of anyone's leg bursting and the nurse assures me that it won't happen. You know how those blood pressure cups tighten up on your arm? Well, that's what it felt like in my leg. I took two pains pills at once and it eased the pain till it was bearable. I sure hope that doesn't happen again.
Okay, enough of this kind of babbling for today. Thanks for any sympathy I get. I know, I know, there are plenty of people way worse off than me and by next week I will be better but thanks for the sympathy anyway.
That's it for today.

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