Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Today is Saturday, May 10, 2008. Oh my! I am posting two blogs on the same day. Wow!
Just a few musings about Mother's Day. Why do they always suggest breakfast in bed? I am so grateful my husband and children learned early on - that is one thing that would never please me. Who wants crumbs and greasy stuff in or on or around your bed? Certainly not me!
Now it is great to have the children fix dinner. Even when they were young their dad would help them get a meal and clean up afterwards. The cleaning up afterwards is always the thing I appreciate the most.
When it comes to gifts - hmm. They ask me what I want. I seldom can think of anything at the moment they ask me. I've tried keeping a list on the refrigerator so I can just jot something down when I think of it. I hardly wear jewelry any more. And I really don't need any more of that.
Flowers make me sneeze. When our youngest daughter worked for a florist here in Sacramento she would frequently bring me flowers. I had a wonderful spot right outside the kitchen window where I could put them to enjoy their beauty and not be affected by my allergies. Right now there are so many flowers blooming outside that I hope nobody spends their hard earned money on flowers.
I just want happy children, pleasant conversation, lots of hugs and kind. sweet thoughts. Oh I guess I could use a cheese slicer. The one we had broke. I got a new flat skillet for Christmas so I don't need that. And there is no space in the cupboard for any more dishes.
Just come see me, talk awhile, and give me a hug. That is enough Mother's Day gift for me. So there are my musings about Mother's Day. I'll put a roast in the crock pot in the morning and we will have a nice meal together. It is great being a Mother.

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