Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hello Again!

     Today is Saturday, June 17, 2017.  It is sunny and very warm in Citrus Heights, California.  It is 100 degrees (hot) outside.
     My last blog was Monday, April 9, 2012.  And today I decided to check it out, reread some of the things I have written in the past and write some new things.
     We have a different computer so a whole set of things to get used to.  How will I fair?  I am 5 years older, somewhat slower, and less confident of my abilities.  BUT I can still do many, many things.  I have a long "can-can" list.  
     Today I played the piano for the baptism of two eight year old boys in our Ward.  I love playing the piano and I love the beautiful Primary songs and the Church hymns.  I started the prelude music quite early and then while the boys dressed, after being baptized by immersion as Jesus Christ was baptized, I played more of the lovely Primary songs.  Maybe someone else enjoyed the music,  I hope so.  I enjoyed it.  One time when I was playing at the Oakland Temple a gentleman said to me, "No one is here to listen."  I told him that I was listening.  
     I copied all of my old blogs today.  I have a notebook to keep them in and I will read them.  They contain much history about my life.  Glen found some of his old letters to his parents - ones he wrote when he was on his mission and in the Army.  I think we have more history than he realized.  I think we must transcribe them for our posterity.   Someone might find them interesting someday. 
     I am making this short in case I have not done something right and it might disappear.  
     May you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

barbara wahlquist said...

Help! I want to make a new post and I cannot figure out how to do it. It should be so easy. I will keep trying to figure it out.