Monday, April 9, 2012


Today is Monday, April 9, 2012. The sun was shining this morning but now it has gone behind a cloud.
When we came home from Nauvoo, Illinois, in November 2011, my plan was to write a blog at least once a week. How have I done? Well, not so well. This is my fourth one since the beginning of the year. That is 13 weeks of 2012. As you may guess, consistency and living up to my goals are not always what I do. Even though I mean well, and have writing ideas nearly every day.
Yesterday was Easter. Such a wonderful day! Our Church Sacrament Meeting was very inspiring and made me appreciate my Savior, Jesus Christ, even more so than I did on Saturday. I am grateful to know that He lives, that He was resurrected and that He gave His life for me. The music yesterday was especially beautiful. I had asked a certain young mother to sing a solo. She chose a thought provoking new song entitled "For Me Alone." The choir sang "A Redeemer For All," words and music written by a husband and wife (talented friends of ours). The other musical number was a duet - husband and wife - strong singers and a beautiful couple. Their song was "I Know That My Redeemer Lives." There were 4 speakers - a sweet young teenage girl, and three fine men - each sharing a part of the Savior's life from the Scriptures and then their personal testimony of Jesus Christ. An awesome worship service.
The day continued to be uplifting and special in many ways. We treated our three grown up daughters who came to dinner with surprise Easter baskets. They haven't had an Easter basket for years andthey were just as excited as they could be. Dinner was ham, escalloped potatoes, fresh broccoli, and deviled eggs. (We wondered why they are called deviled eggs and joked - Is it okay to eat deviled eggs on Easter? Maybe we should call them de-deviled eggs.) And to top off that menu, we had strawberry shortcake. What is there that beats Strawberry Shortcake? And it tastes the best with the rich red sweetened strawberries in plenty of juice over a rich bisquit shortcake. Rich bisquit shortcake is better than sponge cake or angel food cake or white cake. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream and you have food fit for a King (or Queen).
Visiting with family finished off the evening and we all rejoiced in our personal Easter Celebration. When it was time for evening prayer we expressed our gratitude for many, many rich blessings of the day. Thank you, Lord, for thy rich bounteous blessings.
Will I be more consistent is my writing of a blog each week? All I can say is I plan to try.
That's all for today.

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