Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Trip To The Dentist

Today is Wednesday, January 11, 2012. It is too early in the morning to tell whether it will be sunny or cloudy. Hopefully it will be sunny. That will make my trip to the dentist better.
Saturday night I was eating potato chips along with my yummy sandwich that one of our daughters had made and I crunched on something hard. When I pulled it our of my m0uth, lo and behold, it was a piece of my tooth. Great! Just what we needed! A costly trip to the dentist.
Now that we are senior citizens we have had no insurance coverage for dental work. No coverage for eye glasses either and none for hearing aids. How crazy is that? Just when you need the help the most. Oh, well!
Then I remembered that with our new enrollment in November we were able to choose dental insurance. YEAH! That makes it a bit softer. And thankfully, even though little pieces of my tooth kept breaking off on Sunday, I was in no pain. The filling is totally exposed and the edges are very jagged. And as always, I can hardly keep my tongue away from moving right over to that jagged edge.
I tried to remember to chew on the other side but how hard is that? Anyway, first thing Monday morning I called the dentist's office. Couldn't see me Monday. (If I had been in pain, I'm sure they would have seen to it. But I wasn't and so they wouldn't.) And Tuesday I was substituting in the Temple Office. It would be very hard to get a substitute for the substitute. AND I wasn't hurting. "How about Wednesday?" the receptionist asked. (She's probably not called a receptionist anymore. Everyone seems to have new titles and I am far behind the times.)
Today is Wednesday and at 10:45 AM I will be in the dentist's chair to take care of my broken tooth. I feel certain it will need a cap. Already I have a bunch of gold in my mouth. I told my family that when I die they should take all the gold and turn it in for money.
Oh, well! All that gold just makes me more valuable , right? That gices me a lot to live up to. I guess I ought to try being a better person.
I am glad I like the dentist. He's so kind and caring and reassuring. I had a horrible thought in the night that maybe he won't take my insurance. There are many variable nowadays. "Oh, please, God, help us not to have given up $72 a month for insurance that he won't accept. Why did we not call him first? "
Today will give me that answer about the insurance but whatever, at least I will not have a jagged sharp place in my mouth and I will be able to chew on both sides. That will be worth whatever it takes. And I still have no pain. That is a tender mercy from the Lord.
That's all for today and it will be a good day, I know.

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