Sunday, August 14, 2011

O What A Beautiful Mornin'

Today is Sunday, August 14 2011. The sun is shining beautifully and it is not too hot here in Nauvoo, Illinois. And I am singin' "O What A Beautiful Mornin". That is one of my all time favorite songs.
And it is a daughter's birthday today. We'd love to be with her but here we are serving a Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in beautiful Nauvoo.
In Relief Society today we were talking about families and the things we can do to help keep our family ties strong and teach correct principles. Glen had wonderful parents who taught him well and my mother was a wonderful teacher for me. She taught me to be honest and to work hard and to love the Lord and obey His commandments. Mother especially loved the stories from the Old Testament. We had a big book called Hulberts Stories of the Bible. However, Mother knew most of the Old Testament stories so well that she could tell them as well as that Big Old Story Book.
One of her favorites and the one that offered her the most comfort in the days after my father divorced her was the story of Elijah and the widow. A widow was out gathering sticks to make a fire to make the last little cake for herself and her son. It was all the meal she had left and then they would die. Elijah asked her to make a little cake for him. She told him that she would share what she had. From that time on the barrel never emptied and she and her son were blessed.
Mother felt that if she did what the Lord wanted her to that somehow she and I would be blessed. And it was true. We were. I will ever be grateful for the faith of my dear mother. I hope my children and grandchildren will know that I, too, have strong faith. I pray that they will develop strong testimonies of the truth, that they will keep the commandments, and build strong relationships with all of us who try to do that, too. We need to help one another.
Glen would share the same counsel. He has many stories to share about his parents and his growing up days. His father was a Bishop for 20 years and had great faith and conviction. And his mother was stalwart and true and supportive to that wonderful husband she had. I loved them both and am very grateful for what they taught all seven of their sons. Such a wonderful family.
We want to be an example for our chidren, our grandchildren, and all who come after us.
May this day be wonderful for you. That's all I want to say for today.

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