Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Letter To My Grandchildren

July 24, 2011 - Today in Relief Society our teacher challenged us to write a letter to our grandchildren about something in our life - she suggested that we do it one thing at a time. That way our grandchildren would not have to wait until we die to know what it was like in "olden times." I decided to accept her challenge and write something.
I never saw a TV until I was about 12 years old (maybe I was older, I can't remember for sure.) Not very many people had a TV and we didn't feel we could afford one. There was only Mother and me. Remember, my father had divorced her and my two older sisters had gone with my father and his new wife. We didn't have a telephone - to save on expenses, and we didn't have a newspaper. When Mother and I would go to the movie there was a newsreel that told us about current events and there was always a Disney cartoon before the feature film.
We had a little radio about the size of the large set of Scriptures we have now. On Sunday afternoon we could listen to "The Shadow," "House of Mystery," and "The Green Hornet." We could also listen to "The Lone Ranger." Then Mother decided to buy a TV. The screen was about the size of a piece of computer paper and it was all in black and white. No color. We had two channels. My favorite TV show was "Our Miss Brooks."
The TV station signed on in the morning at 8 AM with a little song and signed off at 10 PM with the national anthem.
When I listened to the radio, I saw everything in my mind in color. But when those same programs came on TV, they were only black and white. I liked it better to listen to them on the radio when I saw everything in color.
Can you imagine watching TV in only black and white? Now everything is in living color. Have fun watching TV. Love, Grandma

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