Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Snow plus other thoughts

Today is Saturday, January 8, 2011. The sun is shining but it is 4 degrees. It snowed most of the day yesterday. I wanted to write then but could not get on this site for some darn reason. My computer kept telling me I did not have the correct user name or password. I tried all the little crazy words they gave me to enter. Still no good results. Today I did the same thing and I got the same message. After about the third try my blog finally came up. What's the problem? I guess I will never know. Oh, well! A part of this world of technology.
Now about the snow from yesterday. The snow fall was beautiful. Big puffy flakes falling slowly and softly. After the snow stops it gets very cold. There is not much wind today. That's good, because the wind makes it even colder. This is the first snowfall of 2011 here in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the blanket of white makes the place look beautiful and sparkly when the sun shines.
Now on to other thoughts. I just finished brushing my teeth and everytime I go into our bathroom I see the bright colored wash rags I bought at Walmart several months ago. I love the bright colors. They attracted my eye immediately in the store and I just dropped them into my basket. The first one we used made the water blue. I said to myself, "I bet they came from Pakistan." Sure enough! That's what the label said. Well, we lived in Faisilabad for awhile and loved all the beautiful fabrics and bright colors we saw there.
Faisilabad is listed in the encyclopedia as the textile capital of the world. There are shops and shops of lovely fabric all over the town. The bolts of cloth go from floor to ceiling and the young men who work in the shops pull out the bolt you want to look at. Then they furl about three yards for you to see just how it would look when it was made into a shalwar kamiz. The young men develop quite a dramatic style.
Only challenge is that the colors are not color fast. One of the college students we knew in Faisilabad was trying to develop a formula for colorfast material. I told him that in the United States we had lots of color fast material and surely there was some was that formula could be shared.
What I want to know is? If Walmart is selling fabrics from Pakistan, isn't there a way they could help them get that formula? It would be so wonderful for people everywhere. And I would feel so happy to see that "color fast" label on those Pakistani products.
I must remind myself to read the labels before I do my impulse buying.
That's all for today.

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