Saturday, March 7, 2009

Yeah for California!

Today is Saturday, March 7, 2009. The sun is shining and I am hoping it will get warm today. There are supposed to be light showers today and tomorrow but at least the sun is shining this morning.
One of Glen's brothers sent us an article about California. It's a great article. Yes, California does have it's problems. And we get a lot of publicity. Everyone talks about and writes about California, some good things and some bad. We have lived in California since 1970. We never planned to come to California. In fact, we told Glen's boss that we never especially wanted to go to California. But we were assigned to the Bakersfield Institute in 1970 and we have grown to love this state.
When I was in college I thought the students from California were a little crazy. At the first snow, they acted like little kids, running around and jumping and laughing. Of course, I had lived where it snowed all my life so it was nothing new to me. Since several of our children were born in California, they act just like those college girls I knew. The first snow is like wonderland. I've come to appreciate that feeling. Life always seemed like such a lark to them. In fact, I have decided I want to get a government grant to make a study on how the "forever sunshine" state influences personalities as compared to places where it is mostly cold and wintery.
I have come to love the wonderful weather. Granted there are places in California where winter is winter and there is snow, but not where I've lived. I am excited that we can go to the beach one day and the mountains the next. I like the hills and desert areas. It is all so diverse. Of course, it is also one of the bigger states.
I cherish the cultural diversity here. Where else can you go to a Chinese resturant and have the waiters and waitresses speaking Spanish or some other language? We went to a Greek resturant the other night with a cute Spanish waiter. I teased him about his Greek. He was interested to hear that we lived in Athens for a year and a half. This Greek resturant served no pork. How can it be a Greek resturant with no pork? They had chicken and beef. The food was good.
When you look in the pages of a phone book, there is every type of food imaginable. And we grow nearly every kind of food and other argicultural products in this great state. We have all kinds of animals too - llama farms and ostrich farms.
Walk down the street in any major city in California and you will pass people from nearly every part of the world. In Bakersfield if you went to Joe's Market, you could hear all those languages being spoken. I used to stand behind the shelves and try to guess which language it was.
I have grown to love this place. The article we got had a lot to say about our Governor. Well, everyone in the world knows who our governor is. You can't say that about too many of the United States. I don't always agree with him. In fact, lately, I agree with him less and less, but he sure is in the news a lot. Bet you can't say that about your governor unless you live in California.
I'm glad to have lived in other states so I can compare. Who knows, if you came to live in California, you might decide that it is a pretty wonderful place to live, too. Yeah, for California!

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