Friday, February 6, 2009

Going Under The Knife Again

Today is Friday, February 6, 2009. The sun is trying to peek through the rain clouds. It rained some yesterday and in the night. We need more rain but I am always glad to have the sun.
It's been an interesting four weeks in 2009. Over the Christmas holidays my left knee became so painful that I have prayerfully made the decision to "go under the knife again" to have my left knee replaced. It's a bit scary but yet I am hopeful, too. Because I have made that decision I have been in several doctor's offices lately.
You know, first I needed to go visit the knee Dr. He is a very optomistic, pleasant Dr. I heard one lady telling a new patient in his waiting room that he is a very charismatic person. And I would have to agree with her.
He has you fill out a survey on a little palm pilot. I decided I didn't want to do that this time. I tend to be optomistic myself when I am answering surveys. I just wanted to talk to him.
Well, that wouldn't do for him. The receptionist wrote on my chart "Refused to take the survey." He said to me, "I am in control of this interview and if you don't fill it out I can't help you." I told him I just wanted to talk first. He let me talk for a very short while. I told him I would gladly fill out his survey. He left to see another patient while I took the little palm pilot. Glen helped me be more realistic than optomistic. It made my "numbers" look more accurate and indicated my level of pain.
I spent more time in his office than I have ever done before. Oh well! His waiting room and office that day about drove me insane. The television in the waiting room - by the way the waiting room was full; every ugly green chair but one was occupied - had a note on it - "Do not change this television."
Well, the show was some talk show where a man and his ex-wife were arguing about child custody. The host- I didn't get his name - was in the fray also. The whole episode was quite disgusting. And it got worse as the show went on. I tried to plug my ears because it was very upsetting to me. I tried to calm myself with cool pleasant thoughts. I tried to shut out the sound. I'm not much into these realistic shows that are on TV nowadays. Give me Bonanza or The Cosby Show or I Love Lucy!
By the time the nurse called me out of the waiting room I was so relieved to be away from that TV, I wanted to shout hurray! The waiting room is kind of a dreary place. The carpet is a dark old greyish thing and the walls are chocolate brown. The chairs are sort of dark green with a bit of a cushion on the seat and back. Thinking about it got me to thinking about the other Drs. offices.
My primary care physician's office is in the Med Clinic and the waiting room services several medical groups. That office is painted white and has big windows that let in lots of light. There is no TV - thank heavens. Not even piped in music - Yeah! And it does have a fairly good selection of magazines. There is a variety of chairs - some overstuffed (very little cushion compared to most overstuffed but overstuffed none the less). Some chairs are straight. The color of the chairs is mauve with some designs. But the chairs in that waiting room are coming apart. I think every seat has a split. I shake my head each time I go in.
I had to have an EKG in connection with my left knee surgery which is scheduled for March 10. That required a vist to another Drs. office. The cardioligist is on the 3rd floor of the Med Clinic building. That waiting room is almost exactly like the one on the 2nd floor. One difference is that the chairs have no splits in the seats. Yeah! And I was in and out of there in about 5 minutes - They are quick about their work.
Each office also has interesting personal dynamics. The receptionists and nurses sure make a difference in how I feel when I have to be in an office. Some are so sweet and friendly, some are all business and quite somber. In one office I have never seen a smile. All business and "get the job done."
I try to smile at them but now that I think about it I don't remember anyone smiling back at me. Hmm! I think I will make a study of that over these next few months when I will be in and out of Drs. offices.
Well, I am scared and hopeful that by the end of this year I will be able to run marathons. Wait! I've never run a marathon in my life. Am I really going to start now? Probably not but I am sure hoping I can get around better with less pain and can go back to all my volunteering activities - like the Temple and the Old Sacramento Schoolhouse.
In the meantime I have not minded being at home. It is sort of my "hermit phase" of life. I still go to Church every Sunday, to the Family History Center every Monday and to the store - to ride around on a cart - once a week. Life is good. And Glen takes good care of me.
That all for today.

1 comment:

jan123 said...

Just think, you might get that quilt finished, with all your at home time. We can't wait to see it!