Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day In Paradise

Today is Wednesday, January 21, 2009. It is Glen's birthday. Yeah! Birthdays are fun. The sun is not shining here in Paradise but he had a special birthday breakfast. We are here visiting our daughter and her family.
Glen is helping to move packed boxes down to their new house. Me, I am laid up with a bum knee. Plan A was that I was to babysit while the other two grown-ups moved boxes. But the "baby" didn't want to be "sat." I am left here all alone with this fancy computer. The keyboard is about half the size if the keyboard I am used to and so i have to be very careful.
First off, i read my latest blog and was so excited to have some comments. Wow! That was fun. Then I scanned one of our daughter's favorite blogs, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. She has lots of comments - more than 100 Wow! Will I ever have that any readers? I wonder.
I have about decided that I need to call my blog "Just Ramblin'. Today that is what I am going to do, just ramble. Now adays I spend most of the night in our recliner. We decided we could come visit in Paradise because they have a lovely leather overstuffed chair with an ottoman. That was my recliner last night and I slept fine. I've tried getting in our bed at night. I can stay there about two hours before my knees get so uncomfortable I can't go to sleep. Then I get up and sleep in the recliner. I have a wonderful soft fleece blanket. I use my Disneyland jacket as the second cover over me feet and legs. I tuck the fleece blanket over my shoulders and just snuggle in. Fleece blankets are so soft and cuddly.
Our son-in-law came home from his job and we all had a wonderful breakfast - breakfast scramble, I guess you could call it. Sausage, potatoes, cheese, egg, and onion all cooked up together. It is a favorite breakfast treat for us, Glen and me. Our grandson had to go off to school and our son-in-law off to work again. That leaves four of us at home - three adults and one darling little granddaughter.
I played the piano awhile and have turned now to the internet. I've read a few blogs and decided to make a new posting on my own. Just Ramble awhile.
Yesterday was the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama. He's from the Democratic Party and the Congress is predominately Democrat. These next four years will be interesting to watch For the record, I am a staunch Republican and not in favor of government taking over any more aspects of my life. I am so grateful to be an American. I hope we will go down the road that is best for our country.
There were sure lots of festivities and events going on yesterday to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. Personally, I hope there will be a settling down soon and that all the new officers will get on with the work. I'd love to see a President like "Dave" in office. That has become one of my favorite movies.
Back to the day in Paradise - Glen plans to take at least one more load down to the new house. More boxes need to be packed before that can happen. They just finished the kitchen in this house and it is beautiful. There is a skylight - I've always wished I had a skylight. New lights have been added. The kitchen used to be very dark in the evenings after the sun ha gone down, but not anymore. There are new appliances - microwave, stove, a special oven - all in sleek black and burnished aluminum. And a dishwasher has been added! Ah, such bliss - the dishwasher. There is a nice work island in the center with two different levels. One side is an eating bar for tall stools. Countertops are granite and the back splash is a modern tiny brickwork design. I don't know the exact name but it looks fabulous. Whoever rents this house is going to have a nice place with a big back yard. I hope there are some children to enjoy the yard.
It seems like it will be a cloudy day. We will stay for lunch and the head back to Sacramento. The celebration for the birthday took place mostly on Monday night - Family Home Evening. Glen's birthday dinner was roast (cooked all day in the crockpot), veggies, a green salad, homemade bread (he made that). Dessert, of course, was cherry pie and ice cream. I also made a lemon jello cake to put his 74 candles in. For years I used to try something around the pie to hold the candles - bread, donuts, all kinds of stuff Then I finally got smart and just baked a cake in a 13 x 9 for the candles. What took me so long to get smart? The grandkids don't like cherry pie anyway. They are happy for the cake.
Plan A had been that tonight when we got home we would go to Applebee's for Dinner. We got a gift certificate for Christmas. Then we decided I might be too tired after the drive. And abandoned Plan A. We'll see what the last part of the day will be.
Well, enough rambling for this day. That is ALL for today.

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