Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How do you eat a Snickers candy bar?

Today is Tuesday, January 13, 2009. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is blue.
Last Sunday in Relief Society our lesson was about being happy. One of the things the teacher said was that you should laugh at least 15 times a day. I've read various articles over the years about the value of laughter and humor to your health and well being. Since last Sunday I have tried to laugh more each day. Sometimes I watch America's Funniest Home Videos (some make me want to cry not laugh) and reruns of I Love Lucy. Yesterday the laughter came about at Family Home Evening.
After we had finished with formalities (tonight it was playing It Came To Pass), Glen gave each of us a Snickers bar for our refreshment. While we were all nibbling one of the girls asked, "How do you eat a Snickers candy bar?" The answer to that question got us all laughing. We proceeded from Snickers to other candies.
I eat a Snicker bar by taking small bites from side to side, savoring the combined taste of all the ingredients.
Now I can't remember exactly who eats it what way but these were some of the descriptions.
I eat mine by licking off the chocolate on the bottom, just a little ways, then I eat the chocolate on the sides and off the top. Then I bite the mddle .
I eat off the top chocolate first. Then I do the sides and eat the center with the bottom chocolate.
I just eat it. I've never thought about the way I do it, but how do you eat M & M's?
If it is plain M & M's I just pop several in my mouth at a time and let them melt a little. Then I bite them. If they are peanut ones, I put one in my mouth at a time, let the coating melt a bit and then crunch right through to the peanut center.
Not me, I eat plain M & M's one at a time. And peanut ones I just bite right away.
There were more descriptions floating around and lots of laughter to think of what a crazy discussion it was to begin with.
From there we progressed to other forms of candy - like Reese's peanut butter cups, and Hershey's kisses, and Hershey's Nuggets. We each had to have a nugget to analyze just how we did it. If there had been Reese's Peanut Butter cups in the house, we would have tried them too.
Glen thought we should each have another Snickers bar so everyone could analyze how they eat it. He was only kidding, of course.
I think the whole conversation started because on Saturday night we had watched a TV show called Unwrapped and they were talking about nostalgic candy. It was fascinating how some of the candies are made and why they were popular. When that show was finished we talked about candy we remembered from our grade school days. Of course, the candy Glen remembered was his mother's wonderful homemade caramels and Boston creams. His school wasn't near a little candy store like mine was. He didn't have a little corner grocery store that sold penny candy like our children did. The nearest store of any kind for him was about 25 miles away from home and nowhere near the school.
There's sure a lot of candy consumed by everyone these days. What a sweet, sweet world we live in. And a lot of sweet memories floating around. Next time you have a Snickers bar get the answer to the question, "How do you eat a Sinckers candy bar/"
That's all for today.


sorniefamily said...

Barb- I love to read your blog, especially on the days I am not feeling so upbeat, you always make me smile. I love to eat my Snickers frozen, but that can be a little bit dangerous, last time I did this I broke a tooth- ouch. Anyways, send me an email so I can add you to my blog readers.
Heather Sorensen-

Stake Camp Directors said...

I love dark chocolate m&ms and I crack the outside with my teet and suck on the inside until it melts. One at a time. Does Miss Cindy have a blog?

Karen said...

Sounds like we missed a fun and tasty FHE. I never thought about how I eat one. I will have to get one and see.

The Middle Child said...

I think I may have to find out the answer for my own family. Sounds like fun. I used to eat off the sides and then top and bottom, then go after the middle.

Kathy said...

Vicki is the ones who eats all the chocolate off and then bites the middle, I'll bet. :) That's actually how i eat them, too. Unless I'm super hungry or in a hurry...then I just eat it in big old bites.

You're the best, Mom!