Friday, March 14, 2008

Families and Friends

Today is Friday, March 14, 2008. It has been an interesting day, weatherwise. First it was cloudy. Then the sun came out. Then the wind began to blow and black clouds made their appearance. Since then it has been cloudy, then sunny, then cloudy again. Right now the sun is shining.
We have had several interesting experiences over the last few weeks involving families and friends. We made a long trip to Southern California to visit our oldest son and his family and our youngest daughter and her family. Kathy lives in Burbank and David lives in Escondido. The travel was great. Glen and I like to spend hours in the car just talking as we ride. Usually we read a novel out loud but this time I did not dare read because I have been experiencing VERTIGO. The Dr. said it was probably a problem with my inner ear canal. He said at my age, little crystals sometimes form and upset the balance. Oh, boy! Anyway, I didn't dare read this trip.
Our granddaugther let us sleep in her bedroom while we were in Escondido. Bless her heart! She is good to her grandpa and grandma. We love to visit our children and grandchildren. They tell us about school and their friends and all the exciting new things they are doing with computers, ipods, and all the latest lingo. Our grandson now has a job at an ice skating rink. That is interesting to think about. We love to talk with our son and daughter in law about what is happening in their lives.
Our daughter and her family live in an upstairs apartment and we get to sleep in the living room. There are two cute little boys there. One is just learning to talk. The other is just a little baby. They are both so darling and we love watching them. Kathy and her husband encouraged me to start this blog.
After all the years of encouraging our children to learn and do new things, it is now their turn to encourage us older folk in the new ways of the world. Since I do like the computer, it wasn't too hard. And since I like to talk and write, it seemed like a natural thing to do.
One day last week I heard the front door open and here came three little children running in with arms outstretched for a hug. Well, they are not all little any more. One granddaughter is 9 years old. And she is tall. Her little brother is 6, in the first grade. Her younger sister is just 3. There is also a baby boy but he doesn't run yet. His mother carried him in the baby carrier. He smiles when we talk to him.
We look forward to Friday nights when three of our daughters come to spend the evening with us. Usually we "order in" and have something special for dinner. Our favorites are Little Ceasars Pizza, Taco Bell, Subway sandwiches, Chinese food or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Once in awhile we just do McDonald's but it is the family togetherness that is the best part.
A few days ago we got a late, late Christmas card for some dear friends in Bakersfield. We haven't heard from them for awhile and we were delighted to get their card. And guess what? Instead of waiting to turn around something in the mail, we took advantage of our special phone offer. We have a special rate for all calls in California. We went right to the telephone to call them. With two phones we could just talk to our hearts content. They had two phones at their house, too. They have been out of the US for 3 years on a special Church assignment. We talked for over an hour. What a great time we had renewing friendships.
Several times each week we are able to be with other friends who live right here close to us. And we have wonderful neighbors to chat with on our front sidewalk.
Today we made a phone call to one of Glen's brother's in Utah. They are very dear to us. We love to find out what is going on with their family and to hear news about any of the other brothers. What a great time to be alive when we don't have to wait months and months for the Pony Express or weeks and weeks for the Overland railroad to bring the mail or even a week for a letter to be delivered by the postal service. We can go to the telephone or the computer and have instant messaging. Life is good. That's all for today.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hi, I stumbled across your blog in the most random way, but I think your daughter Kathy may be the same Kathy Wahlquist I knew and worked with (at American Express Travel) in UT 8-9yrs ago. Would you mind asking her if she knew an Amber Brueggeman? And if so I'd love to catch up with her. Here is my email address Thanks so much.