Saturday, March 8, 2008


Today is Saturday, March 8, 2008.
Today the sun is shining.
When I got up this morning I went right to the computer. I have become addicted to the thing. Right now I am checking family history records for a program called family indexing. I am called an arbitrator. My responsibility is to check two listings made by individual indexers against the original record (census, birth records, etc.). If their entries do not agree then I must decide which one matches the original. If neither one matches then I enter my opinion.
I just started doing this a few days ago and I have already become addicted. Of course, I've been addicted to the computer for years. We were talking the other night with some of our family about computers. Can you believe they are actually so new in the realm of existence? Glen talked about his first computer class in college. The computer filled a whole room. And now - ohmigosh! Computers have become so tiny you can carry them in your hand.
We have two computers right now. An "old" laptop. Why, we purchased it in 1998 before we went to Pakistan. It still works okay. And we have the "house" coputer. It is supposed to be a PC (personal computer) but everyone who lives here or comes to visit is pulled directly to the computer for something. Even the grand children are pulled into it. Computers are great!
Another one of my addictions is Mexican food. I could eat Mexican food morning, noon, and night. I love homemade Mexican food and Mexican resturant food. I have a dear friend, Josie Garcia, who makes the best tamales you have ever tasted. She is not connected with "Garcia's", the Mexican resturant in Citrus Heights, on Madison Avenue. Josie lives in another city. But "Garcia's" makes great food. And I love Taco Bell. Well, to be downright truthful, I like all Mexican food places.
First thing in the morning when I get up, I open all the window blinds. That's an addiction, too. I love to let the sun come streaming into the house. And even on a cloudy day, that's the first order of business. Open the window blinds. Right now, we have all venitian blinds. At our last home we had heavy draperies that we closed at night but first thing in the morning, "open those shades." If my husband is up first then he opens all the blinds. That is our morning addiction.
Homemade bread! I think that is an addiction, too. We have a bread maker now, a machine I mean. I used to be the bread maker. And I did it all by hand. I'd knead the bread and work out my frustrations. Now, Glen makes the bread in the bread machine. We use whole wheat flour so it is very healthy. Home made bread - well, how can you really describe how wonderful it is. It is great for bread and milk. (Store bought bread turns into paste - YUK!) Bread pudding is so tasty with home made bread. And on a cold morning, milk toast just hits the spot. Of course, Glen has to make it. His milk toast is the best. He learned it from his mother.
I am glad all my addictions are to good things. I feel so bad for those who are addicted to harmful things. I don't want to get over my addictions. I just want to keep adding good ones.
That's it for today.

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