Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Just A Test!

     I am wondering if I use (Save) and (Publish) in that order.

Can I Remember How To Do It?

Today is Tuesday,  June 20, 2017.  It is sunny today and very hot (108 degrees).  Oh my!!!
     I have spent several hours trying to get to this spot AND I figured it out - now the question is can I remember it when I try to log in tomorrow?  That is the BIG question.
     Yesterday the temperature registered 113 degrees.  Super hot!!  About 4 in the afternoon we went swimming and that was a delight.  For me, the water was just right.  Not cold, cold,  but pleasantly warmed.  By 6 o'clock more family members had joined us to cool off.  Lots of splashing going on.  Everyone was having a wonderful time,  even our little great granddaughter who is just past her one year birthday.
     We decided to have our barbecue supper out on the patio.  It was a bit strange since I had a roast and veggies cooking all day in the slow cooker.  And we added hot dogs and zucchini slices cooked on the grill.  Yummy!  We had fruit salad and brownies as dessert.  Chips, of course.  You must have chips with a barbecue!  I don't think anyone went away hungry.
     Of course, the best part on that hot day was the wonderful water in the pool which made us more comfortable.
     We did a lot of reminiscing about our above ground pool in Bakersfield.  It was our summer life saver for so many years there.  Usually our children just spent the day in their swimming suits and were in and out of the pool most of every day.  The only rule was that you had to wear a shirt when we sat down to a meal in the house.  We created various games - like Marco Polo - and - Run Against The Current.   Night time swimming was the best way to cool off just before going to bed.
     The boys and their dad put plywood panels on the inside of the fence so we didn't have a neighborhood audience while we were swimming.  And we used the panels to create our own original art work.  Lots of fun creating and painting those pictures.
     Only one of our family had the unique experience of watching the sides of the pool collapse and the gallons and gallons of water flowing down the alley.  It was quite a sight and made a wonderful story to tell.  Thankfully we were able to get it all fixed again for more swimming fun.
     Of course, a hard part each year was the "mucking out"  from the winter time before we could get everything in working order,  get the pump working again, and start the filling of the pool to keep us cool and comfortable in summer.
     Ah,  those were the good old days! (Maybe that will be the phrase I use to close my blog.) Ah, those were the good old days!   No, it probably would not fit everything.  Maybe just "Over and Out."

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hello Again!

     Today is Saturday, June 17, 2017.  It is sunny and very warm in Citrus Heights, California.  It is 100 degrees (hot) outside.
     My last blog was Monday, April 9, 2012.  And today I decided to check it out, reread some of the things I have written in the past and write some new things.
     We have a different computer so a whole set of things to get used to.  How will I fair?  I am 5 years older, somewhat slower, and less confident of my abilities.  BUT I can still do many, many things.  I have a long "can-can" list.  
     Today I played the piano for the baptism of two eight year old boys in our Ward.  I love playing the piano and I love the beautiful Primary songs and the Church hymns.  I started the prelude music quite early and then while the boys dressed, after being baptized by immersion as Jesus Christ was baptized, I played more of the lovely Primary songs.  Maybe someone else enjoyed the music,  I hope so.  I enjoyed it.  One time when I was playing at the Oakland Temple a gentleman said to me, "No one is here to listen."  I told him that I was listening.  
     I copied all of my old blogs today.  I have a notebook to keep them in and I will read them.  They contain much history about my life.  Glen found some of his old letters to his parents - ones he wrote when he was on his mission and in the Army.  I think we have more history than he realized.  I think we must transcribe them for our posterity.   Someone might find them interesting someday. 
     I am making this short in case I have not done something right and it might disappear.  
     May you have a wonderful day!