Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just A-ramblin"

Today is Sunday, September 12, 2010. The sun is shining in Nauvoo, Illinois.
I decided to write a blog today and it took me forever to get on my blog to make a new post. Some days I wonder how come this computer does what it does. Surely it can't be all me that creates the challenges. Anyway, my thought for today is - I wish I could think of a clever name for this spot instead of Barb's Babblings. Maybe something I might write would be more than just a "babble." In the Bible it talks about babblings. And it doesn't seem they are very desireable. I desire to write things that might be desireable to someone, even if it is only to me.
If I try to rename this thing, will I have to start all over again or can I just rename it. Oh, help!! Where is one of our intelligent daughters or our savy internet son-in-law to give me counsel and advice? The other day I thought I could call it Barb's Everyday Experiences. Not very clever but at least not just "babblings."
In my mind I create all kinds of writings - just don't get them written out.
Nauvoo is noted for its Connections. Nearly everyday you meet a person who knows someone you know. The newest connection took us back to Greece. One of the men we work with here in the Temple is a brother to a wonderful woman we knew when we were serving a mission in Athens, Greece.
Have you heard of the six degrees of separation? That is the theory that all of us are connected by only 6 degrees (6 persons, basically). That theory has proved itself in my life many times. And usually it has been with only one person, or two, at the most. I have come to believe that it is a true theory. Think about it applies in your own life.
Well, I have put myself on a tight writing time schedule for this afternoon. My time is up. We will go out and about the city to see if we can get a phone connection to touch base with our family who are not here with us in Nauvoo.
That's all for today. Look for more Everyday Experiences in the future.

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