Monday, July 27, 2009

Water Glasses

Today is Monday, July 27, 2009. The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
We have family here from out of town. They will be here for a couple of weeks. Whenever we have family from out of town, the "in town" group always want to be here, too. And that is fine with Glen and me. We love to have the family together. We enjoy watching our grandchildren play together and like to listen in on the conversations of the adult group as they share memories and new discoveries.
A big challenge is the question of water glasses. At meal time we usually use paper cups and for drinks inbetween meals, too. However, the cups multiply and there are always paper cups sitting around on the table and the counter. We have a system of writing names with a sharpie to conserve on the cup usuage. It sort of works. Children leave water or ice in a cup and you know how paper cups get soggy after awhile. Each morning I empty cups and line them up on the counter. I throw away the soggy ones.
This system works pretty well. However, we do have some drinkers who cannot take the time to search out their own cup. (I guess the penalties are not stiff enough.)
Last Friday one of our daughters bought some plastic glasses and some colored sharpies. We had an art project to decorate the glasses and include our name. "This is your glass. You are responsible for rinsing it out and having it ready to use. If you have milk in it and don't rinse it, your next drink of water may be milky. Or if you have juice, the water might be juicy."
Each one enjoyed doing the art work on his or her glass. It sort of works. This morning I emptied water and melted ice from several glasses and lined them up on the counter. Yesterday all the family did pretty well at rinsing and taking care of their own glass.
We panicked when one fell on the floor. "That's it! I bet it broke." It didn't, Yeah! I think it will not cut down on the glasses I empty each morning but it will save on paper cups. I will line them up each morning on the counter. We will make it work as best we can. I feel certain there are families who manage such things better then we do. But, oh well, we have a great time together. That makes most any problem bearable.
That's all for today. (I am not going to reread and correct this blog. Last time I did it I lost the whole thing. Bear with any mistakes I made.)

1 comment:

biscky said...

My family does the same thing with plastic cups only we just use the Dixie type cups with names written on them. It works probably about as well as your system. My parents buy the hugh bag of cups you can get at Costco and usually we go through a lot of them even with the rule to reuse your old cup. Guess our penalties are not stiff enough either. Good to know we are not the only ones.