Thursday, June 11, 2009

Old Sacramento Schoolhouse

Today is Thursday, June 11, 2009. I don't know if it will be sunny today or not. It is so-o-o early - 5:15 AM - and I am up. Glen left a few minutes ago for his regular Thursday assignment at the Temple. Usually I stay asleep but today I am wide awake and decided to just get out of the recliner and get busy doing something. So here I am. I've opened the blinds in the family room and it is still dark outside. Oh, my!
This week, on Tuesday, I went back to the Old Sacramento Schoolhouse docent-ing. Since we came home from Greece in 2003, Glen has gone with me. He talks to as many people as I do. And I am glad to have his company and help.
We haven't been since December because of my painful knees till March and then after the knee surgery. Physically, I managed pretty well. Emotionally, I managed just great. I love being at the schoolhouse, visiting with people who come in to look around, and teaching the classes of students. There were three classes Tuesday - 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, and 3 o'clock. All three were from the same school in Modesto. Most classes are fourth graders. That is when they study California history and make their field trips to the capitol.
Those eager students are so fun. I love their cute faces and I like watching how they behave as we go through the routine. One little gal today was so cute. The first thing I do, once they get into the room, is to teach them how to "make their manners." This little gal wanted to do it so bad. She raised her hand to tell us something that was different about this schoolroom than her room now. I called on her, she stood up, curtsied, then looked around and said, "I guess I forgot." Oh, it made me laugh.
School children come in all shapes and sizes and with their own personalities. At this age they are so teachable and usually pretty much on the right track for life. The next ten years exposing them to so many avenues of life. I always pray every night after being at the schoolhouse that they will find their way, that they will grow up to be good people, that they will not get involved in drugs or other bad things. There is much good in the world. And many good people. I see good in these young students who come to the schoolhouse - and in their teachers and chaperones who come with them. One group was with "my cousin." I asked one gentleman how many students were with each chaperone. "Most of us have two, some have three." That meant they had a lot of adults along on the trip. They came up to Sacramento on the train. All the adults stayed in the classroom. Often they enjoy the school experience as much as the children. I do love to teach the classes.
I like to teach them about elocution and ciphering and the nine's trick that I use. And I love it that they like to "make their manners." It just makes me smile.
My next assignment is the 4th Tuesday afternoon. I guess I am back in the routine. I'm glad.
That's all for today.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a great post, Mom! It made me smile and brightened my day! Thanks!