Monday, April 27, 2009

Tingling Feet

Today is Monday, April 27, 2009. The sun is shining brightly and I hope it will be nice and warm.
Yesterday in Sunday School class we talked about the gifts of the Spirit as outlined in Corinthians and detailed in the Doctrine and Covenants. Right now the gift I seek is the gift of being healed. I've asked for a blessing and I want that person to have the gift of healing.
As you know I had knee surgery about two months ago. I think that is doing very well. But now my feet have started tingling, tingling, tingling. Not just one, but both. You know, when your foot has been asleep and then the circulation starts again, well, that is just how it feels, only worse.
I can ease the pain some by rubbing my feet on the carpet or over a little pill bottle but it never completely goes away. I wiggle my toes and rub my feet. It feels good while it is in motion but the tingling doesn't go away.
A friend brought me a little foot massager which feels good while I am doing it. But oh, boy! I just want the tingling to stop. Another friend who has fibromiaglia (it's spelled something like that) says that her feet get to tingling sometimes too. And sometimes it feels like that all over her body.
"What do you do about it?" I asked.
"My Dr. said to double up on my pain medication."
Oh, boy! I still have pain medication, which I have nearly stopped taking because my knee doesn't hurt. I guess the double dose might help for a while. But I want it to go away permanently.
Then I think of people much worse off than me and try to accept my problems better. I've had good health most of my life and very little aches and pains. I just wanted it to be that way forever but maybe the Lord has other plans for me. I need the faith to withstand whatever comes my way. Oh, and I've always felt like I have a lot of faith, too. This will be a test for me, I guess.
I am filled with gratitude for all the wonderful blessings I've had in my life - My Incredible Adventure. Will this be a new and different part of that adventure? I guess I will find out as the days go by.
That's all for today.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hang in there, Mom! I'm sorry that you're having strange recovery stuff. The body is so wonderful and weird at the same time. You're in our prayers! Love you loads!