Friday, November 7, 2008

Family and Friends

Today is Friday, November 7, 2008. It is sunny and warm. Last week we had a couple of rainy days but not today.
The days since I last wrote have been so full - of all kinds of things. And plenty to write about. I think I will first write about our Anniversary Party. On October 15 Glen and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary! My oh my! We were married in the Idaho Falls Temple in 1958. Fifty years sounds like such a long time. I guess it really is. We've had wonderful times together.
To celebrate, our children planned a party, invited friends and family from all over the place, and planned the food. "Do you want a program, Mother?" they asked me. And then in the next breath, "Please don't want a program." Well, I didn't want a program. I wanted visiting and photos. "Do we have to dress some special way?" Before I could answer that one Glen said "Let them wear what they want. They will going to a party at the Church." OK, we didn't coordinate clothes for the photographs.
I asked if our nine children would sing one song for me. "As long as it is not 'The Ugly Bug Ball,'" was the answer to that question. (That song is from the movie, "Summer Magic" and they were so cute when they sang it as young children.) I wanted them to sing "Love Is Spoken Here."
We had all our children and most of our grandchildren at the party. We were missing one son's wife and three of his sons. Two sons are on missions and the other one had a football game he could not miss. (It would have meant his being kicked off the football team and we didn't want him to hold that against us for the rest of his life.) We also missed two of our grandchildren by marriage. But 17 boys and girls were there to have their picture taken with Grandma and Grandpa. Taking pictures can be such a production with that many people.
And most of the Wahlquist Aunts and Uncles came. That was a very special treat for all of us. They came from all directions - Utah; Idaho; Washington,D.C; and Maryland by way of Idaho. And many friends we had not seen for ages.
Family and friends are the best part of life. If one ever needs a cheering section or a fan club, that is usually where you can find one. Our family is especially knit close together. We recognize that not everyone can say that about their families. Oh, not that we always agree about everything. And not that we don't have our moments of angst. But overall, we love and appreciate each other. We have all learned to push to the side of our brains the unpleasant things and dwell mostly on all the good stuff.
It was a swell party and thanks to all who made it a big success. It will always be a wonderful memory. That's it for today.

1 comment:

The Middle Child said...

Mom, it really was a great family gathering, wasn't it? Aren't we glad that eternity will allow us to visit and interact without having to worry about flights home? Luv ya, and congrats again on 50 happy years. Here's to untold 50's more.