Monday, November 14, 2011

Home Again

Today is Monday, November 14, 2011. I can't say if it is sunny or cloudy because it is 5 AM and dark outside. I woke up about 3 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. I just decided I would get on my blog and "babble."
We left our mission in Nauvoo, Illinois, on Monday October 31. Had a wonderful trip home. Coming west at this time of year can be a challenge because of snow and winter weather but for us it was great. Our first day was sunny and beautiful as we traveled across Missouri to visit my sister and her husband. One of my neices was there to visit, too. A wonderful afternoon. We left their place about 5 PM. Stopped to view the Kansas City Temple (seems like it should be called the Liberty Temple since it is so close to Liberty) and take some pictures. The outside looks nearly finished and the Angel Moroni looks beautiful on the top. Then we went on to Lawrence, Kansas, to spend the night.
Tuesday was sunny and beautiful, too. As we approached Colorado, weather reports were for a pending storm. We had contemplated spending the night in Denver with some friends but changed our minds and decided to get past Denver before the storm hit. Denver traffic time was the most traffic we've seen for a year and a half.
Vail, Colorado, was lovely, all snowy and cold. The clouds at dusk were very picturesque. The roads were dry and it looked like a wonderful place to spend a wintery week but we passed right on through the pass and made it to Glenwood Springs about 8 PM in the dark. Driving in the dark is not for us anymore as we are older and less capable of seeing well in the dark with lights shining in our eyes.
We stopped at the first motel we saw - a beautiful Ramada Inn. We had not made a supper stop and when we asked about a place to eat the desk clerk said they had a cafe downstairs. Yessir! That's just what we wanted. Can you believe a bacon and tomato sandwich that was the tastiest we've ever had (except maybe a homemade one)? It hit the spot.
When we woke up, the ground was covered with white, fluffy snow, maybe 3 inches. And the car was all snowy. The roads were wet but not icy. It was like a winter fairyland. After breakfast downstairs, we hit the road to the west. We had traveled maybe an hour or two when we left the wet, snowy area and came out into the sun with dry roads. Sunny all the way to Salem, Utah.
We made several stops along the way. After about two hours of traveling I always need to use the bathroom. The bathroom stop near the highway to Moab, Utah, was interesting. It's called Crescent Junction, painted in a bright yellow with purple and green trim. And, of course, noted for it's bathroom. A sign on the wall inside says "Extra bathroom, out the back door. Third (or is it Second?) bush on the left." And all around the bathroom area are pictures of people who have stopped to use the bathroom. Pretty cute! I had to buy something - couldn't use the bathroom without buying something. I got a small bag of Trail Mix - big deal. How can a person stay in business with the purchase of a small bag of Trail Mix?
In Helper, Utah, we stopped to have some lunch - a cute place in a cute town. It was called Balance Rock Eatery. Large library tables with comfy padded library chairs. Food was good, decor was sort of antiquey with lots of sunflowers and pumpkins. On our way from the parking place to the eatery, we passed a second hand store with a huge box of baskets selling for 25c each. I can't pass up a box of baskets - only bought two. Didn't have much more room in our fully packed van. Of course, Glen has to tease me about my baskets.
Arrived in Salem about 3 to be greeted by the whole family. Oh, what joy! To have such a wonderful family and to be able to rest a few days in one spot before heading home to California.
More about the rest of the trip later. This thing is long enough. Bye for now.