Friday, April 22, 2011

This Electronic World - Oh My!

Today is Friday, April 22, 2011. It is too early to know if the sun is shining or if we will have rain.
It has been a long time since I wrote anything and I decided I wanted to this morning. And what a challenge I have had to get to this point in this electronic world that I think I understand and then don't. It used to be very easy to log onto the computer, click on favorites, bring up my blog and "Create a new blog." I don't know how it all happens but now I have to do all kinds of clicking and asking myself the question, "What have I done that I shouldn't have done?" or "How is this different than the last time I logged on?" But, YEAH, at last I got to the place where I could just click on Create a New Blog and it is all good.
We just made a short trip to Arkansas to visit one of our sons and his family. The Temple in Nauvoo is closed for two weeks. The second week of that time we will be helping the new Temple missionaries but the first week we could do whatever we wanted. Several couples went to visit Kirtland. Others went home or to visit relatives somewhere here in the Midwest. We decided it was a good time to go to Arkansas.
We had a beautiful day to travel on Monday - not totally sunny but warm and pleasant. We left home about 6 AM and got to their place by 4 PM. A long stop for lunch in Houston, Missouri, at Miller's Grill. A nice steak - lunch time special. The scenery over Missouri and Arkansas at this time of year always makes me a little homesick for Missouri green hills. I love to look out over the farmland with the big white houses and barns. Of course, if I lived in Missouri, it would not be on one of those beautiful farms, but I can dream, can't I?
At their place, I love to look out the windows into the forest of trees that surround their home. They now have a front porch - well, just the floor of it - to sit on and soak in all that greenery. (It will be a wonderful porch when it is all finished.)
Our grandchildren are growing up. Their oldest daughter graduates in May. One son is a Junior, the next son goes into 9th grade (High school where they live) and the youngest daughter will be in 7th grade. The time has flown by. This week was Senior Prom and there was much excitement as the two oldest prepared for that. They have a busy life. They are mostly well and happy with all their busy-ness. The oldest son is on a mission in Arizona and they got an e-mail from him while we were there. We loved being with them for a few days.
Thursday, we traveled home - well, home to Nauvoo. Another beautiful day for traveling. Had lunch somewhere along the way and arrived at our apartment before dark.
Of course, the first thing to do after we unpacked the car was to check with this electronic world of e-mail and blogging to check up on what we had missed in the world outside the little realm in Arkansas. What an amazing time to live! Glen's brother and his wife have a new blog about their mission call to Romania and have posted wonderful pictures of their family- children and grandchildren - telling them goodbye. If it weren't for this electronic world, I wouldn't be able to keep acquainted with them. What an amazing time to live!
I need to go use some other amazing electronic things like the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, and the oven, before the day is gone. Once again, I repeat, THIS ELECTRONIC WORLD - Oh My! That's all for today.