Friday, October 3, 2008

"The Sound of Music"

Today is Friday, October 3, 2008. It is cloudy and looks like it might rain.
My, oh, my, where in the heck did the whole month of September go? Time flies when you're having fun. And speaking of how time flies - the Von Trapp children just had a reunion. One of my dear friends e-mailed pictures to me. They brought a rush of memories and tears to my eyes. I grew up in Independence, Missouri, and in Independence we had special opportunities to hear touring musical groups. Some rich lady in our community had endowed the Community Music Association with lots of money and we had free Sunday afternoon concerts.(Now we would have to pay $100's of dollars to go to those concerts. We had all kind of touring groups, like the Vienna Boys Choir, famous pianists, famous violinists, dancers from all over the world, just everything.) My mother took the opportunity to take me to nearly every concert. One was the Von Trapp family singers. So, of course, when the movie came out in 1965 I wanted to see it. And how I love that movie. Everything about it. I love Julie Andrews with her big old suitcase singing "I Have Confidence." I love the way she puts her hands on the bannister as she begins her work with the Von Trapp children. Well, I just love every moment of it. And even though I know they all escape, I tense up at the scenes in the Abbey.
When we went to see the movie for the third time with our children we were standing in a long line waiting and we got to talking with those around us. The couple behind us said it was their 35th time to see that movie. "We go to the movies about every weekend and as we look at the paper and see what's offered, somewhere in the valley "The Sound of Music" is playing. And we decide, yes, we will go see it again. So far, we still love every minute of it." Wow! What a testimonial!
And then I got to direct the musical. What a great experience that was! There were so many wonderful people who helped with lights, costumes, sound, stage set, orchestra and a fabulous cast. Many, many challenges but mostly a wonderful experience.
And then this morning to see that beautiful family with my favorite actress, Julie Andrews. Thank you, Doris, for sending them to me. It has made a cloudy day truly bright with the wonderful memories I have of days gone by.
I could keep writing forever now that I have started but I'd best get on to breakfast and my plan of activity for today.
So - that's all for today. (Maybe)