Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My "Get Up and Go" Has Got Up and Went.

Today is Wednesday, June 25, 2008.
The sun is pushing through the smoky air because of all the fires here in California. There are 800 in the state. A large one is west of us and the valley has been filled with the smoke. The fire is more than 40 miles away, yet the smoke has affected us. Yesterday the sun could not break through but this morning the smoke has diminished and there is actually a little sunshine.
I haven't written anything for days and days. I've thought about it a few time but as I said my "get up and go" has got up and went. I don't seem to have much umph to do anything. The other day I got out a box of photographs thinking I would put them in an album. i got out the scissors to do some trimming and started. Guess what? The box is still sitting on the couch. I didn't climb the stairs to get the album and all the paraphenalia I need.
There is plenty of stuff to do. I could clean out the refrigerator or clean off the top of the desk. I could dust the bookshelves and mop the kitchen floor. Do I want to? Well, sort of - but not enough to get started. Usually I make a list of what I will do today, but I haven't even done that for weeks.
I have started back to my volunteer work. We've been going to the Family History Library on Monday. I work in the Temple office on Thursday and Saturday. And we've started back at the Old Sacramento Schoolhouse. And I am exercising (a little) every day. I am not totally idle.
One morning I even made waffles for breakfast. That was great. And I have prepared dinner a couple of times - a light dinner, mind you, but nevertheless, dinner.
I wonder if and when "my get up and go" might come back. Will it ever come back? Or am I just slowing down a bit as I age. That is probably the whole story. Interesting how some things don't seem so important anymore. I enjoy the days. I love to read, do sudoko and crossword puzzles. Old movies are a great treat and I do a lot of work on the computer. And I enjoy playing the piano. But my "to do" list will never be empty, I know that. Speaking of the "to do' list, there is one thing right at the top today. Give my hubby a hair cut. I must get to it.
That's all for today.